The Distributed Asynchronous Object Storage (DAOS) is an open-source object store designed from the ground up for massively distributed Non Volatile Memory (NVM). DAOS takes advantage of next-generation NVM technology, like Intel© Optane™ Persistent Memory and NVM express (NVMe), while presenting a key-value storage interface on top of commodity hardware that provides features, such as transactional non-blocking I/O, advanced data protection with self-healing, end-to-end data integrity, fine-grained data control, and elastic storage, to optimize performance and cost.

- AArch64 Supported Releases
- News and Events
- [Online Session] DAOS 2.0: Storage Software Stack and Ecosystem Update (English)
- [Online Session] Distributed Asynchronous Object Storage (DAOS) (English)
- Work Items
- [TODO] DAOS System and Client node full test on Arm64
- [TODO] DAOS System(server, engine) build and function validate on Arm64
- [TODO] DAOS client build and function validate on Arm64
- [TODO] DAOS CI Setup on Arm64